Lights out.


Another day, another evening,

The mundane scenes continuing,

News of disasters, marriages of stars,

And numerous everyday accounts.

That is, until the lights went out!


Darkness crept in,

Everything finally became still,

All I could hear was the ticking clocks,

And the heart racing,

afraid of tales of “ghosts” in the dark…


Those few seconds,

Gave way to a different realm,

A free world, for in the dark

I found freedom- to let my mind wander and dream.


The dark perceived otherwise ominous,

Became a canvas my imagination would paint,

The stillness made me plumb own thoughts,

The darkness allowed me to befriend myself.


My mom called out, asking if I was scared,

And soon the lights came back,

With a bittersweet smile, I bid adieu

To the newfound alliance with the dark and quiet




To the beauty of introspection and solace of solitude

And mainly to the societal notions

Which dared to call my dear friend hostile! 

Penned by Khushi_M


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